There are 2 types of rankings:
- weekly rankinng - only points in the current calendar week (Monday to Sunday) are taken for the rankings.
- monthly ranking - only points in the current calendar month (1 till the last day 28/31, depends on the month) are taken for the rankings.
Each vote gives the user opportunity to be in the rankings, so by favoring one of the votes 1 or X or 2, your points will be changed respectively for the two current rankings - weekly and monthly.
The weekly and monthly rankings show only the first 20 users for clarity. It does not mean the ranking is consisted with only 20 users. Every user can check its position in the rankings, even if it is not included in the top 20, here: Which place I'm in the rankings?.
Those rankings are very important and give you the User new opportunities and options, which could be of a great value. Apart from the the competitive intention, for example now the users of www.statarea.com can track those among us, which are the best, and reuse their knowledge.
It is important to note the time of the match is taken for the rankings, not the time of making the vote, for example if a user makes a vote today for a match after a week the value of the vote will be computed in the next week rankings. The time of the match is considered in UTC (Coordinated universal time) - so some matches may look to the users as if they were played on the next or previous week, but they were not.
The most important are the user points, the rankings are built by them with the most ones at the top in the descending order. If the points are equal the success percentages are taken (the higher one is above) and if the points and the success percentages are equal the most number of votes is taken for the rankings.